Kepak Font

FREE Added Mar 24 2025


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Kepak Font

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General information

This font features a highly decorative and intricate design, with each character enclosed within a detailed frame that resembles ornate wings or foliage. The letters are bold and stylized, creating a sense of mystery and elegance. The overall appearance is reminiscent of gothic or fantasy themes, making it stand out with its unique and artistic flair. The characters are consistently framed, providing a uniform look across the alphabet. The special characters are represented by large question marks within similar frames, maintaining the decorative theme.

A decorative font with ornate, wing-like frames around each character, exuding a gothic or fantasy style.

  • Downloads: 56
  • ( Fonts by Abo Daniel Studio FREE )
  • Font: Kepak
  • Weight: Regular
  • Version: Version 1.00;October 19, 2021;FontCreator 64-bit
  • No. of Characters:: 56
  • Proposed Projects: Ideal for fantasy-themed book covers, gothic event invitations, or decorative posters where a dramatic and artistic touch is desired.
  • Category: Decorative/Display
  • Bold: Yes
  • Italic: No
  • Weight: Bold
  • Width: Normal
  • Character Spacing: Normal
  • Contrast: High
  • Overall Style: Decorative
  • Use Case: Logos, Posters, Book Covers
  • Encoding Scheme:
  • Is Fixed Pitch: No

Glyphs A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z







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